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User Guidelines

We at Scholar Spectra strive to ensure that our Users have a conducive learning and teaching environment, which includes interactions between the Users to allow the flow of knowledge and exchange of ideas.


Keeping the interactive nature of the Platform in mind, it is essential to ensure that the Platform is not misused in any way that would hinder any User from having an amazing experience. Following the guidelines we have provided below would be a great way to achieve that. You, as a User, may come across content that you feel is inappropriate, and we have provided means by which you can report or flag such content. However, please keep in mind that the reporting option should be used judiciously, and if you have any doubts regarding the appropriateness of the content, we encourage you to go through the guidelines to make an informed decision.


Additionally, these guidelines should be read in conjunction with all other policies on the Scholar Spectra platform, including but not limited to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

1. Guidelines for acts and content that are prohibited

Harmful or dangerous content: We at Scholar Spectra believe that the Platform is a safe space for learners and educators alike, and we seek your assistance in maintaining its safety. With this in mind, any content that incites or promotes violence leading to physical or emotional harm or jeopardizes the safety of individuals is strictly prohibited on the Platform. Content that requires references to harmful or dangerous acts solely for educational purposes is allowed. The sale and promotion of regulated or illegal goods are not permitted. The Platform is intended for use only as outlined in the Terms and Conditions.


Hateful content: We understand that there may be instances of exchanging ideas and opinions, which are essential in the learning process. While we acknowledge individuals' right to express their opinions, we do not support or tolerate any form of hate speech. Hate speech refers to content whose sole objective is to incite hatred against specific individuals or groups based on factors such as race or ethnic origin, country, caste, religion, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation/gender identity, etc.


Violent and graphic content: Scholar Spectra is an educational Platform, and the content uploaded should be limited to educational purposes only. Violent or graphic content is prohibited. If there are references to violent or graphic situations, they should solely be for educational purposes. Content that aims to sensationalize, shock, or disturb individuals is not allowed. Scholar Spectra does not permit any content related to terrorism, including content that promotes terrorist acts or incites violence, in any form on the Platform.


Harassment and bullying: The Scholar Spectra Platform is used by many users daily, and it is crucial to treat fellow users with respect and kindness. We do not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying on the Platform and strive to maintain a safe space for learning. Harassment includes but is not limited to abusive videos, comments, messages, revealing someone's personal information, including sensitive personally identifiable information, uploading content or comments to humiliate someone, and engaging in sexual harassment or sexual bullying.


Spam: Posting untargeted, unwanted, and repetitive content in lessons, comments, or messages with the intention to spam the Platform or drive traffic to third-party sites is a direct violation of our Terms and Conditions. Posting links to external websites containing malware or other prohibited content is not allowed. The use or deployment of any automated system that sends more request messages to Scholar Spectra's servers in a given period than a human can reasonably produce using a conventional online web browser is prohibited. You can refer to our Terms and Conditions for more information on this prohibition, including exceptions for public search engines.


Misleading metadata: Misuse of title, description, tags, thumbnails, bios, and other metadata features on the Platform, which constitute the Metadata, is not allowed. Using these features to deceive or manipulate our search algorithms is prohibited.


Scams: Uploading or posting any content with the intention to deceive others for personal financial gain is not permitted. Scholar Spectra does not tolerate any practices of extortion or blackmail.


Copyright: Please refer to our copyright policy provided in our Terms and Conditions to learn more about proprietary information related to User Content and Scholar Spectra Content.


Privacy violation: Please consult our Privacy Policy to understand how to protect your privacy and respect the privacy of other users. If you believe that your privacy has been violated due to the knowing or unknowing disclosure of information on the Platform by a user, please reach out to the user directly. If that is not possible, feel free to contact us at any time so that we can take the necessary steps to remove the content.


Impersonation: Impersonating another person is not allowed while using the Scholar Spectra Platform. Impersonation refers to intentionally causing confusion regarding the true identity of a person by pretending to be them. This includes using names, images, documents, certificates, etc., that do not belong to you or are not used to identify you. Pretending to represent a company, institute, group, etc., by using their logo, brand name, or any distinguishing mark also constitutes impersonation and may potentially infringe on trademarks.


​Interaction with Scholar Spectra: At Scholar Spectra, we maintain a respectful and supportive work environment. We believe in direct interaction with our users to assist them in navigating and maximizing the benefits of the platform. If you interact with any Scholar Spectra personnel, please ensure that you maintain the same decorum as you would while using the Platform. We do not endorse any form of communication with Scholar Spectra employees or staff that is hateful, abusive, or sexually suggestive in any manner.

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